Dr O Z Qureshi’s Surgery

Taylors Avenue Medical Centre
146 Taylors Avenue
DN35 0LN
Tel: 01472 572400
Email: nel.b81642@nhs.net

If you've tested positive recently


“We would urge everyone who is currently eligible to have or book their COVID booster to do so as soon as possible,”

For Information: COVID Vaccine Drop In Clinics

Please follow this link: https://www.northeastlincolnshireccg.nhs.uk/covid-19/vaccineclinics/ which takes you to drop in clinics which patients can attend without booking.

If patients want to book a slot instead at one of NEL’s 10 community vaccination sites, there are plenty of appointments that can be booked by visiting “https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/covid-19-services/covid-19-vaccination-services/book-covid-19-vaccination/” or ringing 119.